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Our thinking and actions determine everything

Figure 1. Life is a game of chess. Which role do you choose to play, 3D or 15D?

Our Thinking and Actions Here and Now Determine which Lives we face in This or the Next Life.

No one can escape their shadow!

Since we all have our free will to choose our own representatives (decision makers) on earth, in our country or what we want to do in life, we cannot blame our mistakes on others but ourselves. The legacy we carry operates from birth to today’s date. But the environment where we choose to live, or the way we live, that we are responsible for ourselves.

The Law of Karma (Fate) and the Law of Attraction

Some of us may think that karma and the law of attraction are the same thing, but there is a difference.

Both laws are in force (energy) and are a natural phenomenon within the “multiverse”.
Karma is a very accepted part of Eastern religion and philosophy and has been transferred to the Western world with the concept of “destiny”.

Unfortunately, here in the Western Hemisphere we have misunderstood the concept and distinguish between “good” and “bad” karma.

…but there is no such distinction.

You attract both thoughts, feelings and actions that are in resonance with our own thought and feeling. The result thereof cannot be anything other than what we have sown in our life.

Figure 2. Attraction (image from

Karma (Fate)

arma is a universal law and is there to increase the growth of the soul (spirit) through experience in the three-dimensional (3D) mind world. But if we go against the law of the soul, knowingly or unknowingly, then we must pay for it, in this life or the next.

We live in a Universe with “Free Will” where we are completely free to think, act (do) and experience what we want, but what we do (the way we act towards others) comes back to us like a boomerang.

In earlier ages it was easier to pay off karma, because we could divide it into several lives (incarnations).

But now this no longer works, because the Age of Pisces was the end of a 26,000-year astronomical cycle of development.

The New Age, the Age of Aquarius, is the beginning of an entirely new cycle or developmental phase of consciousness. Here, Ethics and Morality become dominant, rather than egoism and materialism, which until now has governed the 3D conscious man’s thinking and actions to varying extents. If we want to change our world, then we must change the way we think and act.

That is why the transition between ages is called a “Paradigm Shift”. This means that we must change the way we think and act towards our surroundings and towards ourselves to create a society based on unity instead of division, peace instead of war, happiness instead of sadness, wealth instead of poverty.

Figure 3. Contemplating your life and its heading is very good. Incorporate our literature and materials into your life. (image:

Note: Selfishness is only about ourselves (I, Me, Me, my family, my money, my possessions, my physical appearance, etc.) This must cease if we want to break the bond with our present destiny.

We need to start thinking more about others than just ourselves.

We are all fragments of the same source, but with different programs in our luggage.

We are nothing without each other. We own nothing, not even the body we have on loan while we stay in our 3D classroom to learn what cannot be learned elsewhere in the multiplicity of creation.

We have borrowed everything, and we must return everything the day our physical body dies. This applies to everything that we have called ours.

The only thing we own is our experiences and our awareness – which is our true self, our true identity.
Everything else is an illusion based on the perception of our five senses: sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell, what they create for us. This, we experience as reality. But everything that is ephemeral, temporary, changeable is not real.

The life we live here on earth now is the last unless we change our thoughts, feelings and actions to be in resonance with the new age.

We live our last life here on earth unless we deserve to reincarnate again, and then we must leave all that we have collected and considered ours.

On the other hand, if we devote ourselves to improving our spiritual (soul) growth by becoming more caring, considerate, respectful and generous towards others, our neighbor, than we have been until now – then it is more about helping others than just ourselves. In this case, our karma (destiny) will reflect this.

The universe pays back in a currency that helps us grow. This does not come in the form of money, possessions, but in joy, harmony, good health and where we are free from all worries.

But if we spend our lives lying, stealing, cheating, deceiving, exploiting others, hating, abusing, controlling or murdering others – then that kind of energy will backfire faster than before and we will in our current lifetime experience the other side of the coin, where someone lies to us, steals from us, deceives us and maybe even kills us.

In the universe everything is energy, and karma (destiny) has everything to do with energy (and polarity).

Read our books to learn more about life and higher quality quantum consciousness.

People who blame others or their environment for unwanted things happening to them are completely missing the point. Karma should be seen as a tool to aid in learning. If bad things happen to us, there is a lesson to be learned. Those who are on a spiritual path where the soul is the guide (before the mind) and know how both Karma and the Law of Attraction work, will take a step back and evaluate the situation and evolve instead. They will say to themselves, “Oh, why did this challenging thing happen to me? How did I make this happen, and what is my lesson?” Then, when they have evaluated the situation, they take appropriate measures to prevent this situation from happening again in their lives.

They don’t blame others for what happened, because they know this won’t solve the situation, because this gives away their power to someone else, instead of taking the situation to heart and seeing what they can learn from it. This is the way to grow – blaming others is the way to shrink.

Every situation is unique, and karma is extremely helpful as a catalyst for how we feel. We have all experienced how some people seem to attract negative events and people into their lives repeatedly and it never seems to end. If we are not aware of how multiverse (all universes together) laws work, we evaluate things incorrectly. Many would probably feel sorry for the constantly bad-luck-person who attracts all this negativity, or they would think he/she is weird and don’t want anything to do with him/her.

Although it is indeed difficult for the person who must go through all these difficulties, the fact is that it is necessary for his learning process. It is a delicate thing to recognize when to interfere and when not to interfere in such an individual’s life.

Too much involvement would prevent the person from learning their homework, although advice may be appropriate if the person asks for it. But the lessons basically must be learned by the person himself otherwise he/she will not make progress.

Once he learns then lesser of the same type of negative events will happen, because now the person knows how to deal with them, and these energies diminish and soon enough he will no longer attract them. Karma can also be seen as a measure of how well we can manage our energies.

Although karma can be very involved in circumstances of “bad luck”, it is not the only cause.

We also make agreements with others and set goals for ourselves in the astral world between incarnations i.e. two lifetimes (much more on this later). Each time we leave our current 3D body and reality at physical death, some of the time we spend in the subtle reality between incarnations is spent on past life evaluations, i.e. which goals we succeeded in achieving and which we did not so well achieve.

After this, we decide what we need to practice in our next life, and sometimes the goals we set can be quite high. Nevertheless, they must be completed to make our bio-mind develop and make it more able to play a more complete game.

The law of attraction

Then we have the law of attraction. This is a more causative law, different from what we call karma. Karma happens whether we know what it is or not, whereas the law of attraction still operates automatically to some extent, and can be worked on more consciously as a person becomes aware of how energies work. Yet it is only a different way of flowing energy than that of karma.

Many people have seen the movie “The Secret” or have read the book that came out in 2007 in Swedish.

The book was released by the Rosicrucian Order “AMORC”.

The law of attraction works like a magnet.

We attract what we give out. The universe is not judgmental, so we can decide what we want to attract, whether that includes harming or helping others.

But here is where fate (karma) comes into play. You may be able to attract experiences that are negative to others and actively carry them out, but at the end of the day, so to speak, karma will hit you accordingly.

The Law of Attraction works the same way as romantic relationships do in every part of life. You attract what you give out. Some people may protest and say that they attract abusive boyfriends one after another and that’s not what they want, so the law of attraction doesn’t work. Well, it does, but the person who attracts abusive men (or women) has karma to confront in this specific area of life.

In almost all these cases, the person has had an abusive childhood in one way or another and needs to deal with it and take control of that past situation before they can attract more positive people into their lives.

Some may claim and say that karma does not work because e.g. the global elite “Cabal – Illuminati – Kasar Mafia” (KM) work behind the scenes and control humanity in a negative way, and they want to exterminate humanity, and they believe they can escape the “law of the universe” with all the evil they have done and are doing. But this isn’t the case. They will be deeply disappointed when faced with the true reality of life. WHAT YOU DO TO OTHERS – YOU DO TO YOURSELF – that law, you cannot avoid.

Others, who do good deeds and think good thoughts, don’t seem to get back the “good” karma they deserve. Although this may seem like a valid point, karma does not always pay off immediately. Energies are sometimes delayed, and different karmic influences can also act simultaneously on a person.

This means that energies merge, distract, collide and take each other out, etc. But in the end, the appropriate karma will always come back to the person.

Positive people seem to get their karma back faster when they do something that goes against their own moral and ethical codes. This has to do with our judgment and evaluation of our actions. If we feel bad about something we have done, karma seems to strike faster than if we were a negative person who has many justifications for the negative energies they send out. The way we control our own thoughts delays karma to some extent, but sooner or later (in the same lifetime or in the future, in terms of linear time) it will always come back to us.

People who are extremely negative, who have a certain idea of how karma works, believe that they are mentally “strong” enough to keep “bad” karma away from them, and to some extent they seem to be successful, which further encourages them. But when karma strikes back, it strikes much harder than the energy they sent out. These people will, to their dismay, find themselves on the other side of the coin and will now be recipients of the same energies they emit.

Good karma can also be delayed at times, but just like bad karma, it can also be immediate.

The delay often depends on the type of energies we surround ourselves with.

Ask yourself, who are you connected to?

Are all your friends and family members nice and supportive towards you, or are there one or two who are either hostile or seem to drain your energy?

If the latter is the case, you have negative people around you who prevent you from getting what you should get out of what you do.

I will mention more about this type of people in the next section under the title “Psychic Vampires” and what can be done about them.

But from a larger perspective, there is no “bad” and “good” karma, they are all just experiences. Some of them are just tougher than others.

As explained in previous articles, the Original Source created the “Multiverse” so that it can have experiences that are not predictable, and therefore we are here to learn. If karma strikes once and we ignore it, then it will strike harder the next time, and the next time, until we get to a point where we must face it, because we feel we have no other choice.

Therefore, it is much easier for us if we can learn the first or second time.

Karma is not something to be afraid of or ashamed of, or something to avoid. Karma always works in our favor.

The Law of Attraction is also very useful for breaking karmic cycles.

If you break patterns and begin to attract that which enhances your spiritual growth, the energies will adjust accordingly and remove your karma unless you are a murderer, abuser, addict, etc.

Note. With the help from AIC, along with some of our tools, you can heal faster anything that you carry with you from your past life.

Before we move on to “Psychic Vampires”, we would like to remind you that in the last newsletter we mentioned three artifacts: a stationary one, a portable one and one that can hang around your neck or be put in your pocket or under your pillow at night when you rest or sleep.

These artifacts are powerful enough to protect you from negative people, entities and their influences.

Figure 3. Stationary Geopathic Protection Artifact that provides complete protection against both negative energies and negative entities (creatures). The artifact covers about 400 m2 of space.

Figure 4. Movable Protection Artifact intended for different types of spaces such as hotels, offices and homes. The artifact covers 4 X 4 meters = 16 m2.

Figure 5. Protection artifact (Hanging device) against geopathic and negative interference fields.

Note: The protection artefact is a fantastic protection against energy thieves and negative entities (creatures) that can follow us home from restaurants, hotels, shops such as grocery stores as well as from other shops and meeting places, or from relatives and friends who have such creatures as company around them – from certain people who you may sometimes find unpleasant. It can also apply to creatures that exist in our home, especially in apartment buildings in big cities.

Negative creatures love people who abuse alcohol and drugs of various kinds. These people are usually possessed by these kinds of creatures and energies.

All these prevent us from becoming free from our karma – fated qualities.

Psychic Vampires

As an important angle on the law of attraction, we also want to address the subject of “psychic vampires”. We all know the myth of the vampires who suck the blood of their victims and turn them into vampires. Although there is some truth to this myth, it can also be seen as a metaphor.

The worst vampires you can think of aren’t necessarily the ones who suck your blood, but the ones who suck your energy! – the so-called energy thieves.

We’ve all encountered them, and it’s always traumatic when we do.

I’ve been aware of the existence of such people since I was young and used to avoid them whenever I could, having had some pretty awful encounters with them. They are not many in number but maybe 5-8% of the entire population. But the damage they do to their environment and people is so devastating that it seems they are more in number.

There are built residential areas, luxurious houses and apartments that attract many people. But once people move there, life changes for them. They become depressed, mentally ill and drug dependent without knowing the reasons behind it.

Ann-Sofie and I sense immediately when we enter a house, apartment or area what kind of energies are there. Then we also know how the people who live there function in their daily lives.


How much do you know about yourself or the people you think you know?

The way to discover a vampire is to be aware of how you feel in the presence of a certain person.

Does your attraction to people blind you to their true nature, and if so, in what way and how much?

Person A – makes himself dependent on others, under the “name” of love.
Person B – makes others dependent on himself, under the “name” of love.
Person C – has both characteristics.
Person D – does neither.

Most of these categories of people confuse the word Love with Passion.

Being passionate about something or someone is not the same as feeling true love.

True Love is the expression of the Soul, while Passion is the expression of the Mind.


There are no devices or meters to tell when a potential psychic or energy vampire is draining you of energy.

The only way to make you understand that you are under attack is to state the following:

  • That you feel empty, powerless, worthless, for no apparent reason.
  • Life begins to become meaningless, for no apparent reason.
  • Constant anxiety, for no apparent reason.
  • Poor health, suffering of various kinds, lack of energy, for no apparent reason.
  • Your depressed feelings of meaninglessness abound, for no apparent reason. You may have nightmares, for no apparent reason, and a bad attitude, for no apparent reason. You attract obstacles, for no apparent reason. You become suspicious, for no apparent reason. You begin to doubt yourself, your god, your destiny, sanity, for no apparent reason.

Do you think that all this is your own fault?

Yes, maybe it is, but maybe there is something else to learn from all this…

There is always a hidden, invisible, sensible or non-sensible reason for everything that happens.

There is no physical meter that shows red when you are drained of energy or being tricked or abandoned by others.

But there is one kind of meter that we are all equipped with from the start… HUMAN INTUITION – REASON, which is enhanced by EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE. When these two qualities work, everything that was incomprehensible before, begins to become comprehensible.

Some mainstream psychoanalysts have become quite frustrated with those clients who simply cannot get better, who seem to relapse, or whose problems seem vague and insurmountable. Yes, they’ve tried everything, been following the traditional theories of personal responsibility, that we create our illness, and all that.

These are important theories…

But guess what?

After getting nowhere, some smart psychologists have put down their textbooks and taken off their “glasses” and asked themselves questions like:

“Who or what people are around you constantly…” or “name the people that you love, or like”.

Finally, we begin to get answers to questions that someone may never ask us. The light begins to shine quite suddenly, as the fog lifts. When the need is the greatest, then help is the closest.

We often fail to heal ourselves from all sufferings, because it is easier to hurt another human being (via our thoughts and actions) than to heal ourselves.

Contemplate this!
