Breaking News

The Artifacts are available for order!

Artifacts help you when you train for a higher qualitative quantum consciousness, and for individual health improvements. Read more further down…

Dear Members!

First of all, we from the AIC® and Matrix Innovation™ (Ann-Sofie Hammarbäck, Anna Helleteg, Bertil Mattfolk, Lars Helge Swahn and myself Sandor Markus) would like to thank you who participated in the seminar on September 21-22, 2024 in Vikarbyn, Dalecarlia, Sweden.

As you know, I have spent most of my current life on earth helping people with their health and inner soul (spiritual) development. This has meant about 50 years of work in my clinic and with lectures. I opened my first clinic in 1975 in Åmål, Sweden.

Figure 1. Dr. Sandor Markus at his clinic in Åmål, Sweden in 1975.

My dedication to health and inner resource development began with a lecture tour that started in Malmö, Sweden in 1993, when the first book “From Barbarism to Super Consciousness” was published by the Caduceus Publishing House in Åkersberga, Sweden. Since then I have continued with lectures and seminars in Sweden, from south to north, and from east to west. I did this four times a year at all the places where I was invited, for a whole decade.

I have stayed away from the limelight and turned down various kinds of public appearances on TV and Radio with only a few exceptions. I was invited to e.g. “Good Morning Sweden”, with Carola Häggkvist and the boxer Ingemar Johansson. I was later also invited to the medical program “Livslust” on TV, which was about health, acupuncture etc.

I dodged the radar because I thought the time wasn’t ripe yet for man and society to understand the new things that were to come.

The three dimensional (3D) mind controlled person is predominantly focused on the external, on the mind related phenomena (reality) than finding out who he really is in his innermost being. Man confuses himself with his body, his housing which is only a tool to be able to stay here on earth and acquire experience and express it. Likewise, a computer (hardware) is not the same as the program (the software).

The body is just an apartment building that makes room for the tenant (Soul – Self). As long as you don’t understand this, you cannot free yourself from all your problems. Identifying with one’s body, one’s housing, keeps us in our illusionary reality.

We are here on earth to acquire knowledge to understand life in its entirety, and not to get stuck in different kinds of notions (illusions).

In addition to my health commitment over all the years, I have managed to write 12 books.

I am currently completing the last book, the 13th in the series, together with Ann-Sofie’s support and Lars Helge’s participation.

The last book is about “ACIO” (Advanced / Alien Contact Intelligence Organization) which is the largest military intelligence organization on earth, which very few people have heard about. This secret intelligence organization work with various extraterrestrial groups even before World War 2, and has monitored all governments, intelligence, political, military, social and other activities on Earth that have been going on, and are still going on. The ACIO also has an overview of various extraterrestrial groups involved in Earth’s past and present situation and also in its future development.

The book needs to be read by everyone, both believers and non-believers to understand what is going on behind the scenes – what the deep state through governments and intelligence services has withheld from the public, the people. The reason is that the people on earth has not yet been mature enough to confront extraterrestrial human beings (species) that look different from ourselves. The earthly man becomes afraid of what he doesn’t know or have knowledge of.

AIC Expands

We from the AIC® and Matrix Innovation™ have connected Bertil Mattfolk who has devoted himself to research in health for over 15 years to help animals and people. He has previously been a science teacher.

The Research

Through many years of research and collaboration with serious innovators (earthly and extraterrestrial), we have found solutions to various kinds of health problems, regardless of whether their nature is mental (psychic), emotional or physical (biological).

We also want to inform those who didn’t attend our seminar on September 21-22, 2024 about the cost effective “Health Artifacts” that we have mentioned in our newsletters during the spring and summer of 2024. These tools are available to everyone who are interested in their health and inner resource development (spiritual-spiritual).

The entire earthly civilization is in a total process of completion of its many thousand years of history, and at the beginning of a completely new process of development that only a few of us can foresee. Therefore, the turbulence that is going on in the world, society, family life is the end of our many thousand years of history.

Figure 2. Artifacts.

Our health is important to take care of!

First and foremost, we should all take care of our health and our internal resource development. This cannot be bought with money like everything else external.

The entire current medical care is based exclusively on surgery and synthetic and side-effect-causing drugs. This will gradually cease. There are already 900 medicines that are no longer produced. The medical profession will be restructured and when the ego is shut down, all concerned will devote themselves to helping their fellow human beings, over mutual admiration and career pursuits, where finances are more important than serving those who have not been as fortunate in life themselves.

For several decades, we have claimed that energy based frequency medicine will replace all the foreign synthetic drugs that, with few exceptions, cause more damage to the human body through side effects than they contribute to recovery.

These energy based frequency medicines, “energy and information related treatment programs” based on scalar waves will take over. This is the only way to be able to keep a person completely healthy and free from all kinds of disease-causing problems of various kinds.

We at the AIC® and Matrix Innovation™ have for decades worked to be able to offer our students an enhanced wellness program that helps people become free from various kinds of mental, emotional and biological problems. This has not been easy as certain forces in society are working towards the eradication of most of Earth’s civilization through various internal and external influences, and replacing them with AI “Artificial Intelligence”.

We have tested various methods based on extraterrestrial technology, and have found a simple and more cost effective way to maintain the health in humans and also animals, without them having to regularly visit various health clinics where the cost for a visit today is around 600 – 1,200 kr.

Maintaining our health is not as simple as many people think. We are constantly exposed to various kinds of poisons that we assimilate via external influences; via inhaled air, skin, food and drink. We are constantly exposed to electro smog, cell phone, TV, radio masts, 5G radiation, geopathic influence from the ground, water veins, Hartman and Curry lines, noise of various kinds, negative thoughts and feelings from our surroundings and from ourselves as well as constant worries and stress and concerns of various kinds.

If we didn’t have the ability to help you, what would your health be then?

Not many people think about this before the disease is a fact – when the body, the organism can no longer maintain its functions in a constructive way.

We have connected Bertil Mattfolk as a very serious researcher and manufacturer of our products. Through this, we have access to invaluable knowledge in Scalar Wave Technology, which we have named “Artifact”, which contains a specific crystal structure with receivers and transmitters of both energy and information to the body. Here we can transfer information from homeopathic, herbal, Ayurvedic, Chinese natural substances with all their contents to humans and animals. Through this, we can remove foreign viruses, bacteria, fungi, etc., which cause our diseases.

Gone are the days of preparing homeopathic or herbal natural remedies that have been done according to standard traditional methods since the 1800s.

We have access to all information frequencies that all matter is made of thanks to extraterrestrial science and cooperation.

The Artifacts

Our artifacts are individually programmed and loaded after the thorough analysis that is done individually. Our technological aids contain approximately 350,000 different geometric fractals, which contain both energy and information. After the thorough analysis with our computer-based technology, it is suggested which frequency patterns from different kinds of natural substances are in homeostasis (harmony) with the individual’s needs for the removal of pathogens (foreign to the body) substances, incorrect thoughts and feelings from the subconscious. These are controlled and constantly influenced by the reptilian brain, the emotional brain (the limbic system) amygdala and hippocampus. These constantly influence and control our thoughts and feelings 24/7.

Note: The artifacts that carry the important instructions and information that will affect our health and well-being become active when they are near our body. The artifacts work best within 75 mm (about 7.5 cm) from the body.

NOTE. You can carry the artifact, hold it, place it in a pocket or under the pillow at night.

On the front of the artifact is a radio frequency identification tag (RFID) that contains a unique ID number that is used to identify the artifact.

The artifact is 50 mm (5 cm) long and weighs 15 grams and is made of a specially designed and patented mineral compound.


Clean the Artifact with a soft, damp cloth when necessary. Do not submerge it in water, but its RFID can withstand some contact with water.

The artifacts that have accidentally ended up in the washing machine have mostly survived, but there is no guarantee that your particular artifact will survive a wash.

Note: The information contained in the artifact is not affected by water – but the RFID can be destroyed.

Avoid having the Artifact near a cell phone or other equipment that emits radiation. The radiation from the cell phone prevents the information from the artifact to be transferred to the body.

Keep a cell phone at least 30 cm away from the artifact.

The information contained in the artifact usually works well with prescription medicine. There are some areas where you need to be careful, when taking a medicine that has a “narrow therapeutic window” e.g. levaxin, digoxin, antiepileptic drugs and warfarin. Then extra attention is needed to what is happening in the body and you may need to go for extra check-ups to a doctor or healthcare facility.

It is relatively rare to experience a reaction when starting to use the artifact, but it is easy to take care of if it should occur. You just put the artifact away so that it is no longer near the body. Then the information transfer slows down quite quickly. There may be healing reactions but they pass fairly quickly. E.g. colds may feel worse for 1-2 hours before they subside.

If you want to carefully test whether there will be a reaction or not, you just start by wearing the artifact 1 or 2 hours a day. After that, you can double the time each day until you notice if there is a reaction or not. If you increase the time with the artifact in this way, usually even healing reactions do not occur.

Note: The cost of 1 Artifact Individual (Artefakt Individuell) is SEK 3500 incl. 25% VAT for 6 months. After that, the cost is SEK 250 incl. 25% VAT for each additional month. One year membership of the AIC Association is included with the purchase of Artifacts. If you already is a member of the AIC Association, your membership will be extended for one more year. You then agree to the AIC Association Membership Agreement and the GDPR Agreement. Furthermore, there are Standard Artifacts, i.e. Artifact Protection (Artefakt Beskydd), Artifact Chakra Balancing (Artefakt Chakrabalansering) and Artifact Stress / Anxiety (Artefakt stress / Ångest).

It is more common that the artifact combined with homeopathic or herbal remedies reinforce each other so that there is a reaction. Even then, it’s easily remedied by removing the artifact from the body. Then the information transfer from the artifact slows down quite quickly and the body calms down.

Thanks to you!

I want to once again thank you all who have joined me on the journey to the better world that will appear on earth when the turbulence has subsided.

Your Initiation

Through the initiation you have received, both Ann-Sofie and I will accompany you on the path. Use your mantra regularly, especially when you cannot solve your problem or situation.

Don’t forget to ask for help! This is the law of the universe, not about money or material things. When you see no way out or can’t solve your problems, call us. We are within you.

See you later!


Ordering of Artifacts:

Order at  …

PS. All orders of Products, Health Surveys, Artifacts, Memberships, Health Memberships etc… of various kinds, are made through the AIC and Matrix Innovation to Lars Helge Swahn via the websites, (products), (Membership) and (Health Memberships). For inquiries and correspondence please email Lars Helge Swahn at:

Matrix Innovations Products:

Memberships and Health Memberships: