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Chakra Balancing

Imbalance in the Universal Chakra System creates imbalance in earth’s and man’s chakra system, which is connected to its “thinking, feeling and acting”. Human biological life is completely controlled by energy portals (energy vortices) through the interaction of the energy systems of the galaxy, the solar system and the earth.

Therefore, no yoga system known so far apart from “Surat Shabd Yoga” (Sound Yoga) can help, change man’s current situation for the better. All other Yoga systems that are practiced today are outdated and belong to previous ages. E.g. “Hatha Yoga” has to do with with the human body, its development…

I have met different kinds of people who have claimed to be “yoga teachers” who themselves were not free from all the problems that we describe in our literature, newsletters, etc..

How then can these people help someone else, when they cannot help themselves?

Conventional energy medicine and philosophy recognizes the unified existence of seven major energy centers in the human body. These are the most necessary to be able to maintain the full functionality of the body.

These energy centers were called Chakras (energy vortices, energy wheels) and have been known in Eastern medicine for thousands of years. Most naturopaths – “healers” can intuitively feel these energy centers and can often also determine what state they are in.

In the biological body, the chakras have their counterpart in the hormonal system. Chakras are also portals to a higher frequency of universal energy – each bringing in a specific quality such as love, communication, creativity and grounding. These energies tap into the human system (not only humans, animals also have variations on this) and are integrated throughout on multiple frequencies of expression. This can be compared to how different radio channels can coexist around a radio receiver, where you can generally only tune in one frequency (channel) at a time. The chakras are more sophisticated. They can broadcast and communicate on different channels at the same time.

The role of the seven chakras can be roughly divided into three groups:

The higher chakras: govern the soul (spiritual) and mind-related mental levels of expression.
The mid-chakra: forms the bridge between the other two levels.
The lower chakras: govern the more physical, biological needs.

The Higher Chakras

The higher chakras handle the connection to the universe and the divine, thought processes, cognitive reasoning and communications.

Crown Chakra

When in balance, it connects you to higher parts of yourself and to your spirituality. When out of balance, it can lead to confusion, boredom, senility and loss of identity. People who are not spiritually minded will generally have a fairly underdeveloped crown chakra. Surat Shabd Yoga is the only method that leads the student to “First Source Intelligence” Soul (Self) awareness. Other methods known so far have to do with the “Second Source Intelligence” – Mind power.

The Forehead Chakra

When in balance, it leads to clear thinking, intuition and a clear distinction between reality and fantasy. This is also the psychic center that provides the source of intuitive thought. When out of balance, it can lead to sleep problems, fatigue, depression and difficulties with self-confidence.

When the forehead chakra is overactive, one can become immersed in a fantasy world.

Throat Chakra

When in balance, it is the center for self-expression, communication and for ‘speaking your truth’. When out of balance, communication can become blocked or muddled (eg. shyness), and this can lead to physical problems in the form of sore throats and throat infections.

Heart Chakra

This is considered the midpoint between the higher and lower chakras. This is the center of the expression of love – both for self and for others and the world. When in balance, it enables a deep connection with everything, compassion for humans and animals. An imbalanced heart chakra means that love is missing in life – any decisions made that affect others will unfortunately lack this important factor.

The lower Chakras

The lower chakras are about the practical needs of living life – having a sense of security, adventure, sexuality and creativity.

Solar Plexus Chakra

When in balance, it can lead to a deeply satisfying emotional life, a strong sense of identity and will, and self-confidence. When out of balance, it leads to low self-esteem, low self-confidence and swings of emotions.

Sacral Chakra

The creativity center that also controls sexuality. When in balance, it allows you to feel passion, instinct and determination. When out of balance, one can lack direction, feel disconnected, or be either over or under emotional (depending on the type of imbalance).

Base Chakra

When in balance, it governs the sense of survival, instinct and grounding in the earth. When out of balance, it can make you feel ungrounded, anxious and dizzy.

Imbalance of Chakras

There are a variety of ways for the chakras to become out of balance. The Chakra Artifact pictured below has a powerful automated system to remove a range of problems – and tries and restore the ideal state of balance between all of our chakras.

If a chakra is closed, it is often the result of a semi-conscious decision not to have that center functioning – for example, individuals denied love or in a hostile relationship may keep their heart chakras closed to reduce the painful, i.e. the feelings that will otherwise be felt there. Someone who is often criticized for their opinions may close their throat chakra and stops talking about things that might get a negative reaction.

Finally, with the current ongoing economic recession around the world, many people fear losing their jobs and this affects their security center – the base chakra – and can cause imbalance here as well, further exacerbating anxiety. It is this negative spiral that – if it continues to worsen and feeds itself – that can lead to a total breakdown. If the imbalance is left untreated, it can take months or even years to recover. In these cases, the Artifact transmitter system will suggest to the whole body that the affected chakras open and become balanced again, but at the same time it will try to identify any psychology behind the closure and try to fix these as well.

Conversely, the opposite problem can occur where the chakras can become overactive. Sometimes you may meet someone who just talks and talks excessively – this can be a consequence of an overactive throat chakra, while an inability to sleep at night due to “busy mind syndrome” means an overactive forehead chakra. Incorporating meditation into the daily routine can help manage this, but systems such as the “Artifact Program” can also be of immediate help in releasing over-activity at deep levels and regulating the state of the chakras into balance. A third cause of imbalance in the chakras is when there is actual damage, which will cause the energy flow from here into the entire body to be distorted. In modern society, unfortunately, there are many things that can cause this – especially recreational drugs that often violently break up the chakras and allow all sorts of random psychic junk to interact to cause all sorts of health and psychological problems. Quite often, this type of damage also leads to strong addiction, and all kinds of health impairments occur. A health clinic in the UK using the ‘Artefact Program’ for its work with heroin addicts was able to reduce the time of ‘cold turkey’ (i.e. the time during which the worst withdrawal symptoms are felt) from four weeks down to one week – i.e. an impressive improvement!

Sometimes a chakra can be damaged simply by a jolt of energy from the external environment. There are some people walking around who carry so much trauma in their energy field that they can literally blow up other people’s chakra systems just by being in their energy field – rare, but it happens. Additionally, exposure to a directed negative energy such as intense anger, hatred or jealousy can also cause damage to the chakras.

Each chakra has a protective energy field around it that prevents very low frequency energy from entering, but like a castle wall during a cannon attack, these defenses can be broken down and then all kinds of energetic junk can enter – and good energy can leak out or be leached by other people in a parasitic way.

The “Chakra Artifact” is a powerful tool for maintaining and repairing the body’s chakras and aura fields, and can be used to maintain basic chakra health or to work with specific issues due to injuries.

AIC®, “The International Academy & Association for Global Human Culture, was registered in 1996 in Stockholm, Sweden.

AIC®, through its 3-point program, constitutes the platform for a “New Consciousness in a New Time”, which was presented for the first time in 1993 in the book: “From Barbarism to Super Consciousness”, written by the researcher in Life Sciences, Dr. Sandor Markus.

This book is followed by another of 12 books, which describe the earthly man as a cosmic being and the spectacle in which he unconsciously participates. They also describe his role as actor in the past, present and future, until the individual reaches the 1st Source, the Sovereign Integration Source of Soul (Self)-Consciousness, and has fulfilled his role within the multiplicity of manifested creation.

Note: AIC® in conjunction with the participation of various earthly and extraterrestrial “positive” entities, beings, offers teachings and certain technologies that facilitate for interested to reach their developmental goal and develop their Soul (Self)-related identity and consciousness more easily than otherwise would be possible.

Note: In our next “last book”, which will be published no later than October 2024, we will present in Swedish (probably soon also in English) the only and largest military intelligence service which is completely unknown to the majority and which since time immemorial has cooperated with various kinds of extraterrestrial groups, companies, governments and organizations of various kinds – “both positive and negative”.

We at the AIC have had the opportunity to obtain both information and assistance from this secret organization’s insider manager at the 12th security level. Here are management positions at levels 12, 13 and 14.

Dr. Sandor Markus

Dr. Sandor Markus as a researcher has been subjected to torture in the form of mock drowning, at an American Airbase located beyond Siberia, where there also is a research laboratory. The event unfolded from December 24 (Christmas Eve) 2023, until January 21, 2024. Sandor was at the Mora hospital on January 21 to remove about 12 liters of water from his lungs and body caused by the drowning.

He was rescued 1 month later (in February 2024) by a special team of super soldiers and positive aliens. This information he received from “Peter the Insider” who works with these helping super soldiers.

Sandor was held as in a pupa (butterfly pupa) or similar, with honey colored jelly. They had injected some form of poison into his lungs and they were filling and emptying his lungs with water. The purpose was to keep Sandor in a state between sleep and wakefulness, to access information contained in one of his implants in his brain. This is some form of encrypted information invented by Abraham Warner.

Dr. Sandor Markus is a “High Level Target” for them.

If “Peter the Insider” has understood correctly, Sandor has had a poison injected into his left little finger, with “Aranium”. A dose of this poison can kill him within a few seconds. Since Sandor has backtiggers (counteracting implant) in his head, the poison does not kill him. This is a kind of antivirus mechanism. The secrecy in Sandor’s implant is about biological warfare information if “Peter” has got it right. There are also several other kidnapped scientists on this base. Peter from ACIO tries to describe the whole thing as “Deep Sleep Mode” (unconscious state but awake).

Those behind this torture are at this lab controlled by “Monarch”. You will become more familiar with this in our book…

The American airbase that held these scientists captive is far to the east in Russian Siberia, Alaska or Canada, a very cold area with a lot of snow. It is an inhospitable terrain. This liberation operation was very complicated and dangerous. The base’s facility has heavily armed patrolling elite soldiers and some kind of parameter system that sounds the alarm immediately if something deviates in the surroundings. Elite units must enter with small vehicles such as army jeeps. They cannot enter with tanks or similar because the base has special entrances that are very narrow. The base is designed as a labyrinth where you can easily get lost. The only way to get into the base is to “teleport there”, or get in and out via a wormhole, which is a very dangerous process. To pass through a wormhole requires the right timing – otherwise you will get stuck and and your body will be destroyed, the biological form.

“Peter’s” military intelligence team was also informed in advance that I had a chip implanted in my head and heart which they must slowly and very carefully first dismantle, neutralize, and then destroy the base.

The whole military operation/mission became very difficult to carry out. The head of the operation is not sure that Sandor will fully recover his physical body. The head of the operation said he was not a doctor and that he does not have the medical knowledge of which potential injuries will remain. The head of the operation says that Sandor has been infected at the American base with some kind of “bioweapon virus”, i.e. a super boosted advanced covid, called “Covid X” which is very strong and sharp.

It consists of a mix that contains, among other things Stemdan fluid, Omnichrome, Delta and Sigma.

Symptoms if the dose is too large may be fever of approx. 40 oC, difficulty breathing, weakness and lethargy.

The head of the military intelligence organization’s 12th division chief says the following:

“You have helped so many people but they have misused your research work”.

There is more information about the reason behind my kidnapping, but I want to leave it out here. You can read more about it in our upcoming book…

If you are interested in watching a movie series about the daily life of this “Military Intelligence Organization” in Australia, there is a movie called “Pine Gape” on Netflix. It depicts everyday life on the base, like any other military base with families etc… It might be good to watch the movie as a preview of our book.

Just keep in mind that this movie presents on the surface what is going on, but not the deeper dimension related situations. They don’t talk about this in the film series. And these deeper levels are not mentioned anywhere, but they exist…

Dr. Sandor Markus