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Dear Members of AIC®, and info about trauma

We from the AIC® board would like to take this opportunity to wish you “A HAPPY NEW YEAR with GOOD HEALTH”.

We apologize for not sending you a newsletter before the end of the previous year. But I have nothing else to blame but wanting to complete the new book so there will be no greater delay than what can be expected from proofreading, formatting and printing.

The new book can be read by everyone, because its content cannot be dismissed by any authority, organization or private person as a conspiracy theory. Everything described there is absolutely true.

As you evolve, besides being a member of AIC Association (CelesteMetoden Step 1) it is also important to take part of energetic health improvements (CelesteMetoden Step 3): The Quantum Harmonization System and/or the Artifact System.

Ann-Sofie and I are mainly dedicated to helping our members with their inner (spiritual) development, and that which concerns their health. This has so far been done through initiation connected to higher dimensions. In this case, it is important that you use the 5 mantras that you have received from us, and devote to at least 30–40 minutes of meditation daily. If you don’t do anything yourself, then you will get nowhere with your own health and inner resource development. Self-realization is more important than anything else.

If you listen to what others think and not to yourself, then you will become a copy like many others and stagnate in your own development. We all have our own responsibility for our individual human development. Therefore, through the AIC and Matrix Innovation, we have dedicated our lives and time to help you with information via newsletters, books, technical aids that can keep your health in reasonable balance here on earth. We are exposed 24/7 to negative influences via food, drink, inhaled air, TV, Radio, newspapers, internet, mobile phones, cell towers, computers, WiFi, influences from all electric components in our houses or apartments and their surroundings, sprayings in the atmosphere through inhaled air. Oxygen levels in our air has gradually decreased to about 19%. This means that our blood is not sufficiently oxygenated and as a result we may have problems with our heart, circulation and water accumulation in the body, which is controlled by the heart and kidneys.

Some of you envision yourself as healthy. There are no healthy people on earth, only people free of symptoms. Therefore, the aids from us are more important than the external material things, which many in the Western world prioritize.

As for Ann-Sofie and me, we will remain here on Earth until our commitment is completed.

We must also ensure that we have successors within the AIC who can take on the task required to assist all the star seeds who need our help with their health and inner resource development, regardless of whether they are old souls who have been here for a long time, or new ones who come here to gain experience.

We will return with information about this when we know more specifically from our task-givers how the continuation will take shape.

Now we must focus on the present and not what has been. What the future of different cultures will hold depends entirely on the inner quality of that civilization and not on the ingrained traditions that humans on Earth are stuck in.

Therefore, a paradigm shift is needed, a change of consciousness in each individual if they want to remain here on earth and adapt to the New Age (Golden Age) that many talk about despite continuing in the same tracks as before and devoting themselves to the external transitory aspects of existence.

Note: We will be holding a seminar in this spring, but the date has not yet been determined. The seminar will mainly be about how we can improve your health situation, how we can contribute to your individual development through the removal of traumas and addictions that have created us sufferings and stagnations of various kinds. Furthermore, what tools you have at your disposal from us or other organizations to make it easier to reach the goal in life that you have planned for yourself, both individually and collectively. We will draw a line over what has been so far and instead look forward to the opportunities that you have ahead instead of the limitations that are to be overcome. This is what the seminar will be about!

Brotherly Love to you all!

Image 2: Sofia & Sandor

Trauma that affects everyone – but only a few are aware of

Trauma is the biggest and worst problem that affects the majority of people on earth at different ages and to different extents, without anyone knowing or being aware of it.

Countless numbers of people and even animals have gone through painful events that have left them very traumatized. These deeply painful memories can already be present in the fetal stage, from birth or in later situations. These can be very harmful and difficult for the affected person to let go of.

Traumas, which we all experience in different ways, are usually fated and has to do with our DNA programming.

As we go through different phases in life, some of us are affected by accidents where we can experience a lot of fear, but we can also have heavy emotional experiences in our lives. This can be, for example, the death of a loved one, or being involved in an accident.

Others may have been affected by physical experiences, for example, service personnel in healthcare, communication (airplane, bus, train, tram, car accidents), rescue services or natural disasters, war experiences that completely traumatize them.

The cause of trauma and various kinds of desires, are constantly in our subconscious

To briefly return to the scenario “trauma” which is most often about PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome) refers to a form of self-inflicted anxiety disorder, or trauma and stress-related syndrome that can arise in connection with various experiences, especially those that involve death threats or catastrophic, sexualized violence or panic-like events.

All kinds of addictions, both known and unknown to us, imprint a compulsion in an energy matrix in the body, and this matrix rarely disappears on its own. These addictive behaviors can be about alcohol, drugs or gambling, but there are a multitude of reasons behind our habits and behaviors.

Trauma is a more complex issue, but some of the basic concepts are actually the same.

In this case – and this is the crucial concept – the high emotional charge of the original event imprints itself in the Qi flow (life energy), which in a way is a kind of energetic equivalent to the blood flow – the circulation within the physical body.

All living beings have a life-sustaining flow of Qi energy (life energy), which circulates through the subtle energetic bodies. These subtle forms of energy maintain all the functions of the biological form. A blockage of the energy flow in these subtle bodies is the direct cause behind all kinds of problems and diseases of various kinds.

Everything within a person is interconnected into a holistic system, or being.

This is where the term “holistic” comes from.

The concept of “holistic” has become a kind of holistic expression in various fields, without people understanding its true meaning. This terminology is misused by idea crackers who want to sell their own ideas, services, entrepreneurs who want to sell their products, or therapists who give the impression that they can cure all kinds of problems with their limited technologies.

There are no ideas, services, products or treatment methods that in themselves can cure and fix everything.

But in combination with other ideas or technologies, you can achieve a very good result!

Americans are good at talking down their customers, and without it having to be about quality or fulfilling what they promise through their information. And unfortunately in the Western world, which also includes Sweden, many have adopted the American mentality (model), especially in the business world: best, biggest and the most beautiful.

I came to Sweden from a communist dictatorship in Hungary. I came here as a 17-year-old in the 1950s, and Sweden back then was one of the world’s most serious countries. Sweden as a nation was known all over the world through its respect, honesty, seriousness and quality. This no longer exists today.

Ethics and Morality have been swept under the carpet.

Ethics is how you think – and Morality is how you act.

The reason behind trauma of different kinds

To return to trauma of different kinds such as addictions, habitual patterns – they cannot be compared to electromagnetism that affects the biological form.

Qi – energy (subtle energy) is a much more intelligent energy than electromagnetic energy.

Qi – energy that is omnipresent is the carrier of thought-related, emotion-related, consciousness-based information.

Qi – energy flows around in the body through a complete network of meridian paths, ley lines
which form a grid system both in the body, the earth and in the multiverse.

Image 3: Ley-Qi-energy lines and intersections in the human body.

Image 4: Ley lines within the human body and its chakra energy system.

Image 5: Ley lines in the world (Image: Public Domain)

Image 6: Earth Grid Lines (shutterstock).

Global Ley lines: – can be anything from circles, triangles, pentagrams, octagons, etc. – some with relationships to the golden ratio. All seem to be “geometric map products” – measurement data is missing.

It is these ley lines, energy meridians that in TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) “Energy Regulation Acupuncture” is applied to unlock Qi blockages, which contribute to traumas and addictions of various kinds.

Energy regulation acupuncture has nothing to do with “symptom-related acupuncture”, which is mainly used throughout the Western world by therapists for various purposes.

In order to free ourselves from various kinds of traumas (addictions), and stay healthy both spiritually, mentally, emotionally and biologically (physically), we must find the causal connection behind the stagnation of the Qi energy flow, and remove all the blockages from our subtle energy system that prevents the Qi energy from flowing freely both within us and outside us on earth.

ELF energy (Extreme Low Frequency) that we apply today in our daily lives, prevents us from getting rid of all our energy blockages that we have created for ourselves and for our surroundings, both within us and outside us in society, the world. All this must be broken with the help of free energy, scalar wave energy, so that the Qi energy (the life-giving energy that is blocked for various reasons) can flow freely again without any obstacle, otherwise we degenerate both spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically (biologically).

The imprinting of the Qi energy often occurs around the energy centers (chakra systems) that react most strongly to the nature of the trauma.

For example: An emotional shock such as the suicide of someone close to you or a deep betrayal, will be felt around the heart area which is connected to the “heart chakra”. Here the blockages are located, in the heart energy center, and in this case also in the emotional body.

If someone is accused or humiliated for having told their truth, the blockage will accumulate in the throat chakra, in the throat energy center.

One group of people who suffer severely from ongoing trauma-induced anxiety are often service personnel or emergency personnel who have been involved in a major incident, resulting in the violent deaths of multiple people or injuries to close friends.

This group of people rarely ask for help, but need more help than many others with minor problems.

The crucial consequence of what happens here is that trauma imprints the Qi energy (life energy) which stagnates very quickly, and at this point it often becomes just an “energetic sticky goo” stuck in that place, like a coagulated blood clot. It still carries the conscious feeling from the trauma so that it becomes like a “beacon” that continually emits this extreme feeling and all the memories associated with it. This energy stagnation also has the effect of blocking the smooth flow of pure Qi in this energy pathway, and it can be seen as the energetic equivalent of a blood clot.

As with the matrix of drug addiction, the trapped emotion will generally just continue to exist and transmit its trauma into the sufferer, while the individual does his utmost not to be emotionally affected by the emotions that are generated (arising). Deeply traumatized people try on a mental level to be somewhere else so they feel it less.

Conventional psychiatry, quite correctly, tries to get the person to actually connect with the trauma, which is by now less accessible because it has been “hidden” as much as possible by the sufferer. We believe that these memories are locked away, which they are in a sense even though the energy of the trauma or multiple traumas are still fading away. When a person consciously begins to connect with that energy, they really begin to let go of the trauma and things can start moving, but it can be a very slow process.

So far, we haven’t been able to find words in the human language to describe this energetic process better than we do here. The vocabulary has not yet been developed with related concepts, and unfortunately it is not possible to scientifically measure the type of energy blockages we are talking about as today’s 3D-adapted measuring equipments are not made to measure subtle energies, scalar wave energies.

All we can do is knowing that the related energies are there and find the appropriate programs and technologies that will find and resolve them.

When these blocked emotions are stirred up again, it is still felt by the sufferer, perhaps a little more acutely for a few hours, but the program is still working to resolve this emotional load.

Several consecutive sessions in a fairly short succession – perhaps a week apart, or less – are necessary to keep the elimination process going.

Energetic Damage

There are even more aspects of the trauma state that our intervention program also covers, which is when the physical trauma has been so bad that the energy bodies themselves are damaged by more than blocked stagnant Qi (life energy). The classic example here is those people who come back from war, whether it is from the trenches of World War I or the more current military actions around the world where soldiers are exposed to exploding war materials.

The sound of explosions (grenades, gunshots, New Year’s Eve fireworks) of various kinds can actually damage the connections between the energy bodies and also damage the protective energy layers that are there to keep us locked into our personal ecosystem of appropriate energy. Without these, various pathogenic (foreign) energies can enter our being that would not normally bother us, and these invaders (pathogenic energies) can be very toxic and in themselves be the cause of severe panic attacks. This can lead to what can only be described as a feeling of unreality, where the outside world literally feels quite foreign and hostile.

This has previously been known as “Shell Shock”, but we now generally use the common term PTSD, where the condition has varying degrees of severity.

The term “Shell Shock” was coined in connection with the trench warfare of World War I and its effects on the fighting soldiers. The affected soldiers were then accused of cowardice, sometimes at the risk of being court-martialed and then shot.

In this regard, the trauma program also includes instructions that will encourage the energy fields to repair themselves.

Undoing the deep traumatic state of an individual is by no means an immediate process. Deep trauma is the most complex condition that the AIC program can support. A damaged energy field takes a lot of time and effort, both on the client’s part and on our part. However, without some form of skilled help in this regard, the damage can be present for many years. There is a certain degree of self-healing even without external support, but this type of damage is energetic in nature and it requires an energetic form of help (therapy) in order to heal.

Our system provides a trauma and PTSD program that provides a lot of support for the metaphysical aspects of the condition. This includes “complex trauma”. We see no reason to queue each problem in order. The overall process of dissolving these types of engrams does not look at the pile of problems in the way that a therapist would. In the case of severe trauma, a capable therapist should still provide support because each person will bring their own problems to the surface and still be assessed using the conventional disciplines.

Note: there is no form of energy therapy that directly heals or repairs any part of the physical body. What energy therapy does is connect to the body’s consciousness on an energetic level and tell it to do something that the body has not already figured out for itself, which in this case is to repair the current distorted state of the energy body’s cohesion. This is something that we have observed ourselves through experience. The automatic processes of the body often do not respond to the fact that there is a problem, and therefore don’t try to resolve it.

If the client can also focus on their injuries at some level in the body that is being repaired, then this will help – as in the case with the “Mind Over Matter” philosophy.


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PS. All orders of Products, Health Surveys, Artifacts, Memberships, Health Memberships etc… of various kinds, are made through the AIC and Matrix Innovation to Lars Helge Swahn via the websites, (products), (Membership) and (Health Memberships). For inquiries and correspondence please email Lars Helge Swahn at:

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