It has certainly not escaped anyone that the virus Covid-19, which is said to be so dangerous that the entire world has classified it as a pandemic, will have major consequences for society and us humans. When there is a small suspicion of someone being infected, he is hospitalized for observation. A person, who is at hospital for a wound …
Read More »Lars Helge Swahn
Covid-19 Hoax
– to install the new world order, the slave community according to the negative Illuminati’s action plan. So far, the extreme mass propaganda machine has flooded the society and world with information of a Corona virus, “Covid-19”, which is said to spread the virus infection rapidly, with usually no or mild symptoms, but where people in Wuhan (China) and Italy …
Read More »Carbon Dioxide Hoax, as a warming agent
Here is an article that shows with laboratory work (scroll down) that carbon dioxide lowers the temperature of the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide thus acts as a leveling factor for the climate if increased solar radiation would make the climate warmer. Carbon dioxide counteracts global warming. The world’s oceans are constantly in equilibrium with the atmosphere when it comes to a …
Read More »Man of today cannot lead any evolvement
The picture shows the bird Phoenix. From the ashes in the fire rises the new Human Being and the new Society. You have probably seen in the media or heard on TV how the development seems to rail towards a collapse of society. This takes place in some kind of unison, and as a matter of course – that it …
Read More »Man should be healthy
A fully healthy person has no energy weaknesses, and the energy in the human meridian system flows unhindered and balanced. Today’s human being has incarnated time and time again to the physical planet earth and accumulated experiences in every earthly life. These experiences have been stored as energy and information in the human being’s causally related energy bodies, where the …
Read More »Man surrenders himself to self-destructive forces
Man surrenders himself to self-destructive forces – fully according to his inner burdened program. The goal is a brighter existence with quantum conscious individuals. Man is now in a passivating state where enthusiasm and commitment for the better decreases for many people. In the transforming surroundings that man now finds himself in, the power to adapt to the new man is unaware …
Read More »The Salvation!
Our International Academy in the Life Sciences (AIC) has the task to guide, help those who want to help themselves. We cannot waste energy on people who want to be victims, feel sorry for themselves and are not willing to change their lives for the better – those who constantly complain and accuse others of their failures, their life situations. …
Read More »Start of! is the front face of the AIC Foundation, i.e. “L’Académie Internationale De Culture Humaine Intégrale”, “The International Academy for Total Human Culture,” former makes public the mission and information of Dr. Sandor A. Markus (World Teacher – Unifier). Stay updated by regularly visiting us and subscribe on our feeds and newsletters. Moreover, you can share our information by …
Read More »Aliens Are Amongst Us
By Dr. Sandor A. Markus We are far from alone in the universe. Humanity has not for a single second been without influence and support from more advanced intelligences that have guided us in our development. All the UFO-sightings are not bogies! From where do these intelligences come from? What is their purpose? Are they a threat to humanity? Do …
Read More »The Master
By Dr. Sandor A. Markus Matter, form, can never make the soul happy because the material worlds are not its true home. The soul longs constantly to its fountainhead from where it has descended, and to where it must return when it has completed its development in the form-manifested universe. Man experiences this longing within himself as constant worry, restlessness, …
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