- 14 MarchAlkywan Manifestor Sphere 2,4″ Diameter
- 7 MarchMembership for Emancipation, CelesteMethod® Step 1
- 21 February7 Step Meditation Program, Membership at the AIC
- 6 FebruaryThe Importance of Meditation Practice
- 6 JanuaryGetting Rid of Trauma
- 5 DecemberLiving multiple simultaneous lives
- 5 OctoberThe Artifacts are available for order!
- 3 SeptemberPowerful Chakra Balancing
- 27 JulyOur thinking and actions determine everything
- 26 JuneWe live in a World of Disharmonious Energies
- 8 JuneNegative Entities, Earthly and Extraterrestrial
- 24 MayBridge to Higher Quality Consciousness
- 17 MayNear-Death Experiences Tell
- 27 AprilHigher Qualitative Consciousness – Allow Change
- 18 AprilJessica Marrocco, Blavatsky
- 22 MarchCreating a New Paradigm – Thought Structure
- 15 FebruaryThe Golden Age – the Entrance
- 22 JanuaryDiscover Your Inner Truth! – The one who is really You
- 21 DecemberQuantum Sound, Voice Codes and Energies
- 22 NovemberThe art of launching a dystopian world
- 5 SeptemberPreface to The New World Doctrine
- 7 JulyThe New Timeline 2023-07-07
- 15 JuneComplete Health, Happiness, and Harmony
- 30 MarchBuilding a Brighter Future
- 14 MarchThe Age of Change
- 14 FebruaryExploring expanded states of consciousness
- 14 FebruaryArcturians are the Guardians and Healers of Terra
- 2 JanuaryDigital Holographic Image Technology is a completely new method in Wellness – Preventive Health Care
- 18 DecemberAlkywan® Photon Energy Generator
- 30 NovemberBetter Health and Increased Awareness
- 17 OctoberEnergy to live in a higher vibration
- 12 SeptemberMed Pod Quantum Healing
- 17 AugustAn increased consciousness is a necessity for the human survival on earth
- 27 JuneA New Consciousness In A New Time!
- 19 MaySweden’s and Finland’s NATO application, a monumental mistake
- 10 MayHermes Trismegistus
- 8 AprilThe next decades
- 25 FebruaryThe Consciousness of the New Age
- 12 JanuaryYou are responsible for your own health!
- 30 DecemberYour continued health
- 30 NovemberE. coli and colloidal silver
- 1 NovemberEvolve yourself!
- 11 OctoberProfessor Konstantin Meyl on Scalar Waves
- 6 SeptemberMatrix Innovation & AIC in Sweden is a leader in Scalar Wave Medical Analysis and Therapy Program
- 21 AugustYour destiny you create here and now!!!
- 26 JulyThe Nordic Pontificate
- 22 JuneHealth Care of the Future
- 20 MayWhat is the Akasha Chronicle?
- 5 MayCelesteMetoden® Quantum Analyzer & Quantum Harmonizer
- 27 AprilTrain for Higher Consciousness!
- 20 AprilBuilding a brighter future
- 12 AprilThe CelesteMetoden® Step 1,2,3 now running!
- 17 MarchHealth & Inner Resource Development
- 18 DecemberThe Free Human Being!
- 8 DecemberThe light in the tunnel
- 25 NovemberThe Free Human Being
- 15 AugustThe Matrix Reality
- 6 MayThe Social Contract – its validity
- 10 AprilCovid-19 Hoax
- 1 NovemberCarbon Dioxide Hoax, as a warming agent
- 16 OctoberMan of today cannot lead any evolvement
- 10 MayMan should be healthy
- 8 AprilAwakening to a New World in a New Time
- 13 MarchMan surrenders himself to self-destructive forces
- 12 FebruaryThe Salvation!
- 10 SeptemberThe Human Cosmic Heritage – Inner Design
- 3 SeptemberOur Inner Design is the way to Self-Realization
- 27 AugustAfterlife according to different religions
- 26 MarchThe Right Meditation
- 9 MarchTo Reach Mastership In Life!
- 3 MarchFind your inner Soul-based GPS-Navigator
- 23 FebruaryOur world is betrayed
- 15 FebruaryTechnological Development – Blessing or Curse?
- 8 FebruaryBeware of Artificial Intelligence
- 31 JanuaryGnosticism as philosophy and way of life
- 20 JanuaryThe Nordic Pontificate guards Christ’s Esoteric Doctrine
- 13 JanuaryModern Gnosticism is the Source of the New Age Philosophy and Science
- 3 JanuaryThe Swedish Church
- 19 DecemberThe Swedish Church is the richest church in the world
- 13 DecemberThe Christian Church must be Reformed
- 7 DecemberTrue Gnosticism is the Source of all Science
- 4 DecemberThe Northern Pontifical Academy (NPA)
- 1 DecemberSave Civilization from Destruction!
- 29 NovemberHumanity has been betrayed
- 21 NovemberArtificial Intelligence will enslave mankind even more
- 17 NovemberUnifier’s Message for year 2017
- 27 OctoberThe World Doctrine
- 14 JuneIt is time to reform the Christian Church
- 2 JuneWhat Is Reality?
- 23 MayGod’s Ambassadors
- 12 MayThe New World Doctrine
- 6 MayModern Gnosticism is the Source of the New Age Philosophy and Science
- 2 MayDear Brothers and Sisters!
- 12 AprilUnifier’s message for 2016
- 21 OctoberUnifier’s Message to Humanity
- 26 MayStart of Unifier.se!
- 25 MayAliens Are Amongst Us
- 1 MayUnifier’s message for 2015
- 28 AprilThe Master
- 5 FebruaryFrom Barbarism to Super Consciousness
- 25 JanuaryMy Incarnations and Teachings
- 1 DecemberIndividual Evolution
- 5 AprilWomens’ role during the new era
- 15 MarchSave the Civilization from its Destruction
- 26 FebruaryThe World Teacher is here!
- 10 FebruarySave the World!
- 6 FebruaryUnifier’s message for 2014
- 2 FebruaryMore teachers than students?
- 2 JanuaryTime is short!
- 9 OctoberThe Northern Pontifical Academy
- 7 AugustThe Spiritual Master Teacher, Unifier
- 24 JulySaint Germain
- 9 JulySaint Germain: The mysterious Count who never dies
- 17 MayStay away from drugs
- 10 MayHow to change fate for the better?
- 3 MayWhat is the meaning of life?
- 18 AprilChange yourself and change the world
- 9 MarchUnifier’s message for the year 2013
- 5 MarchAIC Association
- 12 DecemberWhat will happen on December 21, 2012?
- 12 DecemberDr. Sandor A. Markus
- 15 JulyLecture in Falun 2012